On March 11th, 2016 Sijo James DeMile one of Bruce Lee’s first students came to do a mini-seminar and autograph signing with our students. Sijo James has been teaching martial arts professionally since the 1960’s. In the Puget Sound martial arts community, few people have had as influential career and spawned so many instructors that have taught tens of thousands of students the martial arts as Sijo James DeMile.
Sijo is one of Professor Korbett’s most influential instructors. Professor Korbett immediately after graduating from college in 1993 came to Seattle to live and work with Sijo James DeMile. Professor Korbett literally lived in the back of Sijo’s school in the ” monk’s
quarters”. Professor Korbett traveled both domestically and abroad with Sijo doing seminars as his travelling assistant.
Sijo gave Professor Korbett a special electronic timing device that we will be using in the new testing cycle to measure out students reaction speeds. We look forward to having Sijo as a guest in the near future to share more of his training wisdom with our students,