System Wednesday Whole School Cleaning Checklist Bi Weekly Cleaning Checklist Vac the viewing area moving every chair? Yes No Empty every trash liner? * Bathroom1 Bathroom2 By the front desk By the door to the floor By the instructors station In professors office Clean the windows? Frontage Inside of viewing areas every day The window sil inside Outside of viewing area on Sat Window sil outside on Sat Fill Up The Soap every time. Yes No Bathrooms swept and mopped? * Yes No Two TP on top of toilet, if half of the paper towels is out restock? * Yes No Pick up and clean two mats on Sat Pick up mats Sweep and vac under them Clean the adjacent mats that are on the floors sides Lysol under the mats vaccuum the mats that have been picked up clean with lysol wipes the side so all particles are gone on the mat leave mats up to dry (even if an event goes on later in the day) Empty the vaccuum everyweek in the trash bags the go to the dumpster. * Yes No Mop the mat, make sure bags are moved out and swept and mopped behind the bags on Sat. * Yes No Vaccum behind program managers desk, hose vacuum the perimemter of the carpet with the hose. Yes No